Pengaruh Model Fitzpatrick Terhadap Gaya Komunikasi Pada Anak Kelas 5 Di SDN Tanjung Baru Desa Blanakan


  • Cici Risnawati Universitas Subang
  • Nur’aeni Universitas Subang


This research aims to determine the influence of family communication on communication style. This research uses quantitative methods, the respondents in this research are grade 5 children at SDN Tanjung Baru with a total of 43 respondents, the sampling technique uses saturated sampling. Data were collected through distributing questionnaires which were then obtained using SPSS version 26. In this study, the correlation value was significant at 0.002, so it could be said that there was a relationship between family communication and communication style, while the Pearson correlation value was 0.467, meaning the level of family communication relationship with communication style was moderately correlated. The results of the research show an R Square value of 0.218, so the influence of family communication on communication style is 21.8%. The significance results taken from the anova table are 0.002 < 0.05 and Tcount is 3,383 > Ttable value 2,019. This proves that H0 is rejected, Ha is accepted, meaning that there is an influence of family communication on communication style.

Author Biographies

Cici Risnawati, Universitas Subang

Ilmu Komunikasi 

Nur’aeni, Universitas Subang

Ilmu Komunikasi 



How to Cite

Cici Risnawati, & Nur’aeni. (2024). Pengaruh Model Fitzpatrick Terhadap Gaya Komunikasi Pada Anak Kelas 5 Di SDN Tanjung Baru Desa Blanakan. OMNICOM: Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi, 10(1), 29–48. Retrieved from


