Author Guidelines

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Author Guidelines


[The abstract contains : (1) a presentation of the background and main objectives of the research, without references, without abbreviations/ acronyms, and without footnotes; (2) explanation of the research implementation method; (3) Summary of findings from research that has been carried out. Fourth, impact (additional) if any and sufficient. (4) Impact (additional) if any and sufficient. (5), does not mention the name of the rule. (6), one space and one paragraph and use cambria font size 10.


The introduction is written with approximately 10% of the total number of words in the entire article. The introduction is made using Cambria letters, Font 11, Spacing 1.5 and consists of 5 to 15 pages. The introduction contains the background and urgency, so that research is important to carry out, by containing the following things: (1) Contains the background, theoretical studies, problems, gap analysis, novelty of research results (state of the art), and ends with objectives study; (2) Gap analysis contains the gap between das sollen and das sein; (3) The novelty of the research results (state of the art) contains a description of the research study with previous research (literature review); and (4) Objectives and benefits of activities.

The submitted article is the result of research without engineering in any form and has never been published anywhere. If the article has been sent, it will be accepted through a review process first. Then it will be published via the Open Journal System (OJS) in stages.

Footnote writing uses APA style citation style. Use the Reference Manager application (Mendeley or Zotero) and the font used is Cambria 9, aligned left-right (justify), 1 space spasi.

Research Methods

Research methods describe the methods used to answer problems or solve problems. The methods described here include: (1) research specifications, (2) research materials, (3) research location, (4) data used, (5) data collection techniques, (6) data processing techniques and (7) data analysis.

Results and Discussion

A. Sub Titles (11pt Bold)

Research and analysis results contain research findings and discussions which are the results of scientific analysis. Write down scientific findings obtained from the results of research that has been carried out, which must be supported by adequate data. Research results must be explained scientifically, including:

  1. What scientific findings were obtained?
  2. Why did this happen?
  3. Why are there varying trends?

All these questions must be explained scientifically. Apart from that, it would also be good to explain the comparison with the results of other researchers who discussed almost the same topic. Research results, findings and analysis must be able to answer the research hypothesis or problem formulation as described in the introduction.

B. Sub Titles (11pt Bold)

Tables are numbered using Arabic numeration. Table captions in the middle and Cambria font 11 pt. Every word in the table title is lowercase except for short words. Table number captions are placed before the related table, as shown in Table 1.






Percentage Increase (%)

Governor's Decree


West Java


Rp 1,841,487


Rp 1,986,670 



Surat Keputusan Gubernur Jawa Barat Nomor: 561/Kep.752-Kesra/2022

Table 1. West Java Provincial Minimum Wage

The image or graphic is in the middle position. Images that are not possible to place in one column can be placed crosswise. Examples of writing pictures and graphs can be seen in the following example:

Figure 1. Law of Demand

Sumber: Rosyada (2019), retrived

The displayed image is recommended to be of sufficient resolution to display overall image details.


A. Conclusions

Conclusions describe answers to hypotheses, problem formulations, or scientific findings obtained. The conclusion does not contain a repetition of results and analysis, but rather a summary of the findings as expected from the research or hypothesis.

B. Sugestion

In the final section, things that cannot be answered are also explained with conclusions in the form of suggestions and responses to the research results.

Thank-you Note (Optional)

[Write a thank you note to the partner institutions/institutions and funding institutions or sponsors or grant givers.]

[Write a thank you note to the partner institutions/institutions and funding institutions or sponsors or grant givers.]


Writing references using a reference management application (for example, Mendeley) with APA  (American Psychological Association) style. The bibliography is written using Arial font size 12 and single space (1).


Suharna, M. A. (1999). Hukum Perikatan (Dalam Kajian Teori dan Praktek). Subang: Unsub Press.

Busro, A. D., & Busro, A. (1991). Asas-asas Hukum Tata Negara. Jakarta: Ghalia Indonesia.

Pemerintah Desa Cisaat. (2021). Profil Desa cisaat Kecamatan Ciater Kabupaten Subang Propinsi Jawa Barat Tahun Anggaran 2021-2022. Kab. Subang: Desa Cisaat.


Charda, U. (2023). The State As An Instrument To Achieve Social Welfare For Workers In A Life Worth Humanity. BiLD Law Journal, 8(1s), 228–238.

Razak, F. A., Abdullah, N. H., Azmi, A. F., Ahmad, N. L., & Osoman, A. (2019). Breach of Contract: Filing Small Claims at the Magistrate Court in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, IX(2), 101-109. doi:10.6007/IJARBSS/v9-i12/6675


Peraturan Menteri dalam Negeri Nomor 111 Tahun 2014 tentang Pedoman Teknis Peraturan di Desa. (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2014. Nomor 123)


Bayu, D. (2022, June 24). 8 Negara dengan Penduduk Terbanyak di Dunia, Indonesia Keempat. Retrieved 11 9, 2022, from


Writing footnotes uses APA style citation style using the fullnote technique. Use the Reference Manager application (Mendeley or Zotero) and the font used is Cambria 9, aligned left-right (justify), 1 space.

In this guide, students can learn the various uses of footnotes as well as how to format footnotes according to APA Style. Footnotes use superscript numbers and must be displayed sequentially. Footnote numbers usually appear at the end of a sentence or clause, after a period or other punctuation mark.


1From or Adapted from “Article Title,” with Author's first name – initials. Author – last name. Author – last name, Year, Journal Title, Volume (Issue – if available), p. xx. (DOI or Web address – if available).


1Adapted from “Interactive Teaching Strategies,” by S. Senthamarai, 2018, Journal of Applied and Advanced Research,3, (


2 From or Adapted from Book Title (any edition or volume information, p. xxx), by Author – first initial. Year, Publisher. (DOI or Web address – if available).


2From Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership (6th ed., p. 147), by L. G. Bolman & T. E. Deal, 2017, Jossey-Bass. Reprinted with permission.


3 From or Adapted from “Web Document Title,” by Author – first initial, Year (Web address).


3Adapted from “Ecological Exposure to Contaminants,” by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2022 (

 Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.