The Implementation of TPR (Total Physical Response) Method in English Vocabulary Learning of Young Learner


  • Desti Wina Widiyarti Universitas Subang
  • Indri Antika Fitriani Universitas Subang


TPR (Total Physical Response), Vocabulary, Vocabulary Learning, Young Learning


The purpose of this study was to use the TPR method's efficacy in the process of teaching basic English vocabulary, especially for young learners. Total Physical Response encourages children's curiosity, creativity, and all of their senses, supporting their cognitive development. This research was conducted on 6 students at an elementary school in Kalijati, Subang. The students are grades 2 to 4 (7-10 years). The material taught to students is material about the Part of Body. Students will be taught to recognize vocabulary for body parts in English. This research used qualitative research where the research was conducted based on the actual conditions. This study found that students showed increased motivation and found it easier to remember vocabulary after involving the TPR method in the learning process. In addition, students enjoy more in following the teacher's orders and the whole learning process.



