
  • Lia Nurafifah Universitas Subang
  • Jufrianto Sibarani Universitas Subang
  • Muhammad Anjar Nugraha Universitas Subang


English songs, listening comprehension, the effect songs on students’ listening skills


The song is a great language package that bundles culture, vocabulary, listening, grammar and a host of other language skills in just a few rhymes. Therefore, in the world of education songs can be used in learning to facilitate students in understanding lesson including English lessons. This research was conducted with the aim to find out: (1) Is there any influence of using English songs towards the students¢ listening comprehension; (2) How is the students¢ response in the learning process by using English songs in SMA Plus Riyadhul Jannah Cijambe. This research is a quasi experimental research. The research using songs with population on this research is students XI grade SMA PLUS Riyadhul Jannah Cijambe and the sample are XI IPS-1 as experiment class and XI IPS-2 as control class. The technique used for collecting data is pretest, posttest, and questionnaire. The pretest was conducted in the first meeting to measure students’ listening ability before treatment and the posttest was conducted after a treatment is administered to know the students listening ability after the students are given the treatment. A questionnaire was given in the final after the posttest was done. The result from pretest and posttest data was analyzed using a t-test and simple linear regression. The results of calculations using coefficients, significant value was 0.096. it was higher than 0.05 (0.096 > 0.05), H0 was accepted, so it was concluded that there is no influence between using English songs toward listening comprehension. Moreover, based on qualitative data by questionnaire from the result of research are to know students¢ response toward using English songs show are interest and showed a positive response.




How to Cite

Nurafifah, L. ., Sibarani, J. ., & Nugraha, M. A. . (2020). THE INFLUENCE OF ENGLISH SONGS ON STUDENTS? LISTENING COMPREHENSION. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Universitas Subang (SENDINUSA), 1(1), 130–135. Retrieved from