English Lecturers' Perceptions on DST in Teaching Grammar


  • Raihan Hafizh
  • Saskia Putri Nurpratiwi
  • Shabira Khoirotun Hisaan Amatulloh
  • Novita Sri Lestari


DST, Lecturer Perception, Teaching Grammar, University Students, Teaching Media


Most of the literature has focused on using DST as a medium for teaching story-based text to students, such as narrative and descriptive text. Then is from it this study aims to investigate DST with a different focus: how English lecturers perceive DST in grammar teaching. This study used a case study design with the interview as the main instrument to collect the data. The methods were conducted in one high educational institution in Garut, Indonesia. The participant in this study was consisted of one lecturer using DST to teach grammar to college students. The findings showed that the lecturer has more positive views about using DST in teaching grammar. The positive views such as improving students' grammar comprehension, increasing the students' engagement, and relaxing the class environment when teaching grammar are the main sights of the lecturer. However, the negative views are focused on the technical issues when applying DST in the classroom. Thus, not all teachers can immediately understand the use of DST, so we need to provide direction on how to use DST. DST is a helpful tool for transferring material in teaching grammar.





